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YPC Volunteer group photo after first annual Saint Nicks Kicks. This photo shows the Youth Philanthropy Volunteers that aided during the first Saint Nicks Kicks event held at SBHIS. This photo has Augustus Holm, Alex Ozarski, Sofi Verma, Emilio Perez, Bruno Perez, James Farrell, and others


A YPC team group photo. In the top row is Ella Kaminsky, Bruno Perez, Kianna Miller, Alex Ozarski, James Farrell, Sofi Verma, Emilio Perez. In the bottom Augustus Holm and Kabir Sheth.

The Youth Philanthropy Council is California’s largest kid-run non-profit. YPC aims to help break the poverty cycle by helping provide access to essential necessities such as healthcare and education. 

About YPC

Early in 2019, a group of friends got together to see how they could be of service and help other children in San Diego. After brainstorming ideas to help and determine a name for their group, they decided to become the Youth Philanthropy Council (YPC) and lend their helping hands to raise over 230,00 for the San YSidro Health Maternal & Child Health Center (MCHC). These now high schoolers all have a passion for serving others in the community. YPC remains steadfast in its commitment to making a difference in the lives of young people. Together, these high schoolers work hand in hand with other teens, raising funds and amplifying awareness of important causes raising over 2.1 million since its inception. They continue to learn, grow, and prove that age is no barrier to philanthropy or making a significant impact.

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